During previous trips to Independence, Missouri the Truman Library was closed. We finally made it into the superb exhibit.Retired President Harry Truman worked for several years in the Federal Reserve Bank building in nearby Kansas City until the library was built.
One feature that caught our attention on the first trip was the Liberty Bell replica. Missouri has the distinction of having two of the 55 bells. One is in the capitol, Jefferson City, and the other is outside of the Truman Library.
Learn more about the Liberty Bell at: http://www.libertybellmuseum.com/exhibits/statebells/index.htm
Thomas Hart Benton designed and painted this arch inside the front entrance. There's a photo at the library of Harry S. Truman painting the upper right corner.
These photos show the lower panels behind the knee-high information signs in the photo above.
Larry Sebby conducted an excellent tour of the Library. He's a retired school superintendent who volunteers in several capacities.
In addition to guiding tours, he reviews and categorizes audio tapes that have been in storage for years.
Larry's detailed knowledge about Harry Truman and the political climate of the time added to the excitement of the exhibits.
When the library was completed, Mr. Truman used this room as his office. A closeup of his desk is below.
The Truman family, Bess, Margaret and Harry, campaigned across the country on a train and met large crowds at "whistle stops" in 1948.
This classic photo shows the victorious Harry Truman holding up a newspaper front page announcing his "defeat."
This showcase contains memorabilia presented to President Truman from Israel commemorating the creation of the State of Israel.
There's so much to see. Glimpse a lot of the collection at: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/
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